Tips for Making the Best Business Project Plan

Throughout the implementation, it is essential to ensure that everything takes place in a coherent manner, both from the point of view of the project plan and of the appropriation by the employees of the CSR. From Bashar Ibrahim now you can have the best plans.

As with any transformation of a certain magnitude, the final device will reflect the way in which employees have defined it in action.


  • Ensure the monitoring of the implementation of the project plan.
  • Measure employee ownership of the CSR system.
  • Make the necessary adjustments.
  • Main questions to ask

Is the implementation going coherently?

For a transformational project, it is necessary to ensure that the division into sequences, the realization of experience feedback and the implementation of the necessary adjustments has made it possible to achieve the expected results. Conventionally, the monitoring of a transitional project is carried out through indicators.

What are the best suited means to measure employee ownership?

There are different ways of assessing the appropriation of a CSR system by employees. Among the three most used, we can cite the monitoring of specific indicators (see TOOL sheet), the carrying out of surveys and / or interviews and feedback carried out, for example, via the community of facilitators.

Are there “small victories” on which it is possible to communicate?

Among the possible actions to facilitate the appropriation of the new system by employees, there is the highlighting of the “small victories” that the implementation of the CSR has enabled. Be careful, however, to remain modest in communication!

Tool: examples of appropriation monitoring indicators

In order to measure employee ownership of the CSR system, it is essential to use indicators, of which this sheet gives examples.

For each indicator, this involves calculating the evolution of the levels of information, understanding, will to act, capacity to act and action throughout the different phases of the project and to measure the ‘deviation from the theoretical values ​​shown in the dials below.

By creating your network, you did not imagine all the missions to accomplish to animate it! And you know how essential animation is to stimulate, motivate, mobilize your network and make it dynamic. How to organize and manage the network to keep intact the enthusiasm of the early days? Facilitators share their best practices to simplify your task.

Develop awareness

Medium: bet on events to get people talking about you.

By putting your initiative in the spotlight, you create an interest that goes beyond the members of your network, which motivates them even more and exerts an attraction on the future members.

Network opens day, themed evening where each member can invite their own partners or clients, breakfasts, company visits… There is no shortage of meeting opportunities. For more simplicity in their organization, why not create them with other networks?

Good practice:

The meetings between networks of Business Club 69: these events for the members of a dozen networks of the Lyon region are an opportunity for each network to find new members and relays to organize larger events magnitude.

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