Social Media Habits That are no less than cheating

Cheating or infidelity is often considered when the partner gets sexual or physically attached to someone. Is it? Not really. Specific social media habits that your partner may pick up with time are considered no less than cheating. If you’re suspecting your partner, you should know how to find out if someone is cheating on Facebook

In this digital age, cheating does not limit itself to being physically unfaithful but more. Over the years, several relationships and marriages have collapsed due to social media activities. Sending intimate photos, flirting and planning to hook up with someone else while having a partner is a breach of trust. 

Here are some social media habits that are equivalent to cheating

Creating fake profiles

Why would anyone create fake profiles in the first place? Well, if you’re creating fake profiles to prank your partners or friends, there’s no harm in it. But if you’re creating a Facebook account to hide from your partner while you indulge in digital flirting, you’re cheating on them. 

If you come to know that your significant other has a profile that you have no idea about, confront them immediately. Before it gets too late, it is advisable to confront your partner about why they need a new account. 

Posting flirty photos

Lately, if you’re posting flirty photos with flirtatious captions to impress someone you’re attracted to, you are indulging in social media cheating. Posting photos to tempt others isn’t at all innocent. Moreover, this is even more suspicious if you’re not informing about the same to your partner. 

Constantly checking on someone

Is your partner stalking their ex a lot? Or are they checking upon someone new these days? Believe it or not, but even the most faithful partners will constantly check on their ex’s social media activities. 

If you’ve been doing this a lot, you are taking away the beautiful time from your partner. What you’re doing is breaking their trust that they have bestowed on you. You may not realize this, but this is a type of Facebook or social media cheating. This is mostly because the casual activity might eventually switch to something serious later. 

Sending Flirty Text Messages

Digital flirting isn’t harmful to a certain extent. However, if your partner has no idea about what is going on behind their back, you’re cheating on them. You can obviously send cheesy DMs to your celebrity crushes. But, if you are sliding into someone’s DM and complimenting them on their beauty or hotness without your partner’s knowledge, you’re a part of social media cheating. 

Sending pictures

One would send pictures only to good friends when it comes to making decisions. But, if you’re randomly sending photos to others to grab their attention, you should try to avoid it. It becomes more problematic if you use flirtatious captions and sexy emojis with it. 


You may not realize it, but you may be a part of social media cheating. As partners, all you’re doing is ruining the beautiful relationship. However, the other halves should keep a check on their partners before this gets worse. 

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