Here’s How to Eliminate Fatigue at Work by the Means of Ergonomics

Ergonomics is a science or art to designing the work station in such a way that it fits the capabilities and restrictions of the worker. The gist is to design the workstation that is compatible with you and establishes a comfortable working environment for maximum efficiency and productivity. It helps in eradicating the fatigue and discomfort. Follow these steps to enhance your workstation.

  • Ensure that your arms’ weight is supported at all costs and at all times. If your arms aren’t supported, your neck muscles and shoulders will cry out in pain at the end of the day.
  • Always watch the position of your head and try to keep the weight of your head directly above your neck. Never crane your head or neck forward.
  • Don’t slouch. It can add more to the pressure on the discs and the vertebrae of your back. Always make the use of the lumbar support of your office chairs from and prevent sitting in a way that balances your body weight. Move your chair close to your desk to avoid leaning. Ensure to scoot your chair every time you sit on it.
  • The monitor must always be in front of you, and its top shouldn’t be higher than the eye level. The keyboard must always be directly in front of the monitor so that you don’t have to turn your neck and head frequently.
  • It is deemed a bad practice to talk on the phone with the receiver jammed between your neck and ear. Just don’t do it.
  • The keyboard and the mouse should be placed close enough to avoid extra reaching that tends to strain your arms and shoulders.
  • Prevent the eye strain by ensuring that your monitor isn’t too close. And it should be at an arm’s length at a minimum.
  • Always take initiatives to control the screen glare and ensure that the monitor isn’t placed in front of a bright background or simply a window.
  • You can rest your eyes from time to time for a few seconds by glancing at objects at a distance in order to give your eyes some rest.
  • The feet should never dangle when you are seated. If your feet aren’t able to reach the floor comfortably or if there is any pressure on the backs of your legs, make the use of the footrest or lower the keyboard and the chair.

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