Easy Tips for Overcoming Nausea during Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a special moment awaited by most couples, especially women as prospective mothers. However, in addition to bringing happiness and joy, pregnancy is also accompanied by discomfort such as symptoms of morning sickness or nausea for pregnant women. To got a best guidance, a pregnancy app could install by mom during pregnancy. Symptoms of nausea during pregnancy are normal, as long as the frequency is still within reasonable limits. Symptoms of nausea and vomiting also indicate a healthy baby’s womb. At least 90% of women experience nausea from the beginning to the fourth month of pregnancy. However, it is not uncommon to find cases where the symptoms of nausea last longer, even throughout pregnancy.

Causes of Nausea Symptoms During Pregnancy

Many factors are behind the symptoms of nausea experienced by pregnant women. Until now, experts have not succeeded in finding the exact cause of these symptoms. However, several factors that are often found in pregnant women include:

1. Increased production of pregnancy hormone (hCG)

The most popular theory explains that nausea is the result of the body’s reaction to the pregnancy hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). During the first trimester, the level of production of this hormone will increase. The increase in hormones produced by the placenta is thought to cause nausea in pregnant women.

2. Increased levels of the hormone estrogen

In addition to the pregnancy hormone or hCG, pregnancy is also accompanied by an increase in estrogen levels. An increase in this hormone can cause symptoms of nausea.

3. Excessive stress and travel

Many studies state that an increase in emotional stress is directly proportional to the frequency of nausea symptoms. In addition to stress, fatigue that is usually caused by excessive travel can also trigger and worsen symptoms of nausea.

4. Changes in the digestive system

During pregnancy, the digestive process becomes slower and the muscles become more relaxed. This causes food to last longer in the stomach, increasing the chances of stomach acid rising up into the esophagus and causing nausea and heartburn.

5. Increased sensitivity of the senses of taste and smell

Pregnancy is also characterized by increased sensitivity to taste and smell. Foods with an unwelcome taste can easily induce nausea and cause vomiting. In addition, smells that are too intense such as the smell of food, cigarette smoke, and perfume can also be the cause of nausea. To support mom, a dad must install pregnancy app for dads as second guidance.

Overcoming Nausea by Consumption of Mineral Water

Research shows that 2 out of 5 pregnant women are still not drinking enough. Whereas when you are pregnant, the mother’s body needs more water to form amniotic fluid, produce extra blood, build new cell networks, carry nutrients, facilitate digestion, and remove toxins. Therefore, dehydration is something that must be avoided during pregnancy.

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