The Different Colors of Diamonds

The color of diamonds is influenced by the atomic structure of the mineral. A diamond consists exclusively of carbon atoms that will be almost colorless. The presence of boron gives a blue color, yellow is caused by the influence of nitrogen, while hydrogen gives pink, red and violet. Finally, contact with some retroactive uranium salts gives green following you can see a list of argyle pink diamonds.

Blue Diamonds

Blue diamonds are known for their rarity and mystery. The range goes from the blue sky of a clear winter day to the deep blue of the ocean. The largest amount of blue diamonds in the world have been extracted mainly from the Cullinan mine in South Africa and the Golconda region of India.

The boron content in the diamond absorbs the entire wavelength of light, except blue. The most famous blue diamond of all time is the 45-carat “Hope” diamond.

Purple Diamonds

In case you’re searching for an option in contrast to the conventional precious stone, purple diamond is a superb decision. However, the high pressure to which the rock is exposed during the formation of the structure, compresses and creates a red or pink piece.

Red Diamonds

Red diamonds are the rarest of all colored diamonds, there are only 20 stones in the world certified as red diamonds. This mineral has great value and is extremely rare to find. The most famous is the red diamond “Red Diamond Moussaieff” of 5.11 carats.

Pink Diamonds

This stone has the most romantic color, the diversity of the range varies from a delicate cake to raspberry pink. These pink diamonds are very rare, most of them are found in Brazil, Australia, Russia or Tanzania. Jennifer Lopez’s engagement ring was with pink diamonds and increased the prestige of this type of diamond.

Green Diamonds

Green diamonds are one of the rarest diamonds in the world. They originated millions of years ago and have become green diamonds through exposure to natural uranium radiation. The green diamond has therapeutic virtues, regulates and harmonizes the nervous system in addition to facilitating the movement of the pulse.

Yellow Diamonds

Yellow diamonds capture the sun’s rays, just as other precious stones do. This color is the most popular among the famous for its spectacular brightness. The yellow diamond is used in the health system to regenerate cellular energy and protect the respiratory tract for the relief of stomach aches. This diamond is grouped into four large groups: Light yellow Fancy, yellow Fancy, deep yellow Fancy and bright yellow Fancy.

If you have any questions about the list of argyle pink diamonds or colored diamonds, do not hesitate to contact our team.


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