How To Use A Recruitment Software To Hire Passive Candidates?

If you are working in Human Resources, you may be familiar with the term “Passive Candidate.” If you are not, we put it here in simple words:

“A passive candidate is someone who is not looking for a job right now, but might be willing to change jobs if given a better opportunity.”

This kind of people is usually difficult to find. Their profiles may not be active, or maybe they don’t want to update their profiles in job-finding sites. The important thing about passive candidates is that they can be a better fit for that position you want to fill in the company. These candidates are attractive to many companies because they are usually already working in the field and updated on how it works. They also already have some experience that can be valuable for the new company.

Passive candidates in the workforce

Passive candidates make up most of the workforce. They already have a job, and they have a good performance, but you know their skills may suit better in another position. They are willing to go for a better job where they can contribute. They are not desperate chasing money, and it is more a thing of value and genuine interest.

The hard part of passive candidates is that most of the times they like their current job and are difficult to convince. Even if the new position is better, being comfortable in a job is a strong motive not to accept change.

Recruitment software can help

Automation and paperless are two of the main aspects offices are now demanding all over the world. It is important to use resources at their best and maximize their potential by combining them with other techniques.  One of the best ways to accelerate and optimize a recruitment process is by using the software. A recruitment solution will have the option to create a report in the system, which will be sent to the HR department. Once the need is open and the searching process starts, HR can use a pool of talents to match the requirements to the skills of the candidate. This software can advertise the position inside and outside the company to find the perfect match.

Once the candidate learns about the position, they will send their resume and be selected. But, what happens when the perfect fit is not sending any resumes. This is where passive candidates present a difficult step. They, as the name says, are not actively searching for a job. These candidates have to be found by the recruiter.

What about using different software to recruit?

Have you thought about using social media to approach those passive candidates you are looking for?

You can use social media to source candidates. Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter are common places to make that connection with the candidate you need. Ask them to join the conversation and participate externally on forums, talks, video conferences or similar activities. This way you can get to know them a little bit better. This can also be an opportunity to explore their interest in your company. They may not be willing to leave their job, yet.

Contacting some candidates is not only a path to them but also to their friends and colleagues. Recruiting passive candidates is not an easy task yet. If they are not interested, they may know somebody who is. This is also a good way to increase your contact list and have more options to choose from.

Technology enhances access to passive candidates

With all the insight provided by the data of an HR database, recruiters can find the person they are looking for in less time. Artificial intelligence in joining the team and soon better software will be designed.

Remember passive candidates are already working so their social activity and their online profile will not be easy to find. Try using search engines with different parameters, or specialized apps to find those who are not so visible in the field.

A passive candidate like can be what your company needs right now. That person who is sitting in the wrong chair waiting to be found and given a better opportunity to grow.

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