How Do You Revise and Edit an Essay?

Work on the essay does not end at the moment when you are writing down the last word in the conclusion. To convey your ideas to the reader it is not enough just to put your thoughts on paper. It is necessary to arrange these ideas correctly. Inasmuch as it is quite difficult to understand the meaning of the thought embedded in the text without a logical text structure or when the reader has to stop at grammar mistakes.

So, every essay requires editing. There are two ways to provide an editing process: to use the service of professional essay editors or check the essay on your own.  

Professional Essay Editing 

Professional proofreading services offer users to entrust their essays to experienced specialists. Professional editors provide a complex check of the text taking into account all individual requirements. 

The main benefits of the choice of professional proofreading help:

  • You can save your time 
  • Professional editors know all editing secrets, so, they will not miss a thing that amateurs might
  • Services offer a multi level system of text checking (one editor works on the essay, others check the result, and then the text is checked by automated programs like online antiplagiarism checkers)
  • The essay will be finished in time (editors work according to the working schedule and they cannot just miss or forgot about an essay as you can do)

However, all these benefits are not free. So, if you need to save money, the option of a professional editing service is not for you. 

Checklist for the Essay Self-Editing 

Even if you are not a professional proofreader, you can provide excellent editing. Of course, it will require some time and effort. Though, the usage of the essay editing plan can simplify the whole process and increase the chance to bring your essay to perfection. 

Main items, which have to be in your essay editing plan:

  • Logical text structure 
  • Text style 
  • Grammar 
  • Punctuation 
  • Spelling 

Logical Text Structure 

Any essay type should contain three main parts: introduction, body paragraph or paragraphs, and summary. At the beginning of the text, there should be a goal of the essay writing and the essay end has to make some conclusions, which are substantiated and argued by the body paragraphs.    

Text Style 

Remember about the formal text style standards. Get rid of shortenings, slang expressions, etc. 


If you have not already a great experience in essay writing and editing, use one rule – the simpler, the better. Divide long complex sentences into two or three short ones. Use an online grammar checker not to miss any mistakes.  


Punctuation marks help to convey the idea exactly as the author intended. Try to avoid complex constructions and when you are not sure about comma necessity, it is better to ask Google for help. 


Reread each sentence several times, and even better read them aloud. For some reason, typos are difficult to find for the writer, but not for the reader.

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