Getting Back To Using Cash


It can happen faster than you may think, suddenly you find all of your earned income consumed by your outstanding debt. Unfortunately, this is a scenario that many people live with daily, they make a good salary and yet they are cash poor. The good news is that there are ways to reduce your debt and free up some of your money so that you can once again have access to cash.

Consolidating Debt

Debt can rack up rather quickly. You buy a home and take out a mortgage. You purchase a car and take out a car loan and you have several credit cards. Before you know it, just about every penny you earn makes a fast exit to cover your expenses. Thankfully, you can turn things around. Consolidating your debt can lower your monthly obligation and free up money that you can use to live. If you are more than a few years into your mortgage, you can also opt to refinance the loan to lower the payment. For your credit cards, you can transfer the balances to a single card and then make one payment. Or, you can take out a personal loan to start with a clean slate. If your debt-to-income ratio is too high to qualify for a loan at a traditional bank, you can apply for a short-term loan from an online company such as Maxlend to get the funds you need to begin the process of reducing your debt.

Living Within Your Means

It’s easy to create debt and if you are not careful your access to extended credit can cause you to lose everything. Having credit is wonderful, especially when an unexpected repair presents itself. However, many people use their available credit limit irresponsibly and end up maxing out their available balance. The best way to avoid this is to use cash for daily purchases like your morning hot latte or basic grooming needs. If there’s something you want like a new state-of-the-art television, create a slush fund and save up for it. This will do several things. First, you’ll learn how to save money and second, you’ll appreciate the item more. As an added benefit you will not add any additional debt to your budget.

Learning to Budget Your Money

The reason people get into financial difficulties is that they don’t have a budget in place. Most of these people simply wing it. If there’s money in their account, they spend it. Unfortunately, by doing this with all of your money each week, you are not putting anything in reserves to cover future, unexpected expenses that will come along. Learning to budget your money will allow you to cover an expense that pops up without taking funds needed from other financial obligations to cover the expense.

Borrow Only What You Need

A terrific way to stay afloat and enjoy a comfortable lifestyle is to practice borrowing only what you need. For instance, when taking out a personal loan, calculate ahead of time the amount you need to pay for the repair, renovation or medical bills that you have. Even if a bank is willing to offer more, take only the amount you need. With credit used as a daily practice in most homes across the states, it’s easy to rack up hefty balances on credit cards that are nearly impossible to repay each month. Instead, focus on paying out-of-pocket for your daily needs and use your available credit wisely.


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