Electrical Test and Tag Process

If you’re in Australia, and you happen to hire a contractor, or are one yourself, you may notice that there are special statutes which you must follow, especially if you use an electronic device, or even power tools. That is the Test & Tag process, and every single business is subject to the mandatory procedures. In this guide, we’re going to tell you a little bit about the process, and why you may want to find a company that can test and tag your item for you, rather than hiring one of your own test and taggers internally yourself. 

Finding the right person in your very own company to train as a tester and tagger may be more beneficial at first, but then you must also know that you need to possibly pay for the testing and certification needed in order for that employee to be able to handle all of the electrical equipment and wiring you may have. This can cost hours of time, not to mention, if you hire someone or train them from within, it takes time away from other work that can be done, and you’re also held liable for things like workman’s compensation, insurance, and coverage for that employee, not to mention the payroll side of things alone. For this reason, it’s best to hire a team of professionals to do the job.

By hiring a team of professionals in a test and tag company, you’ll have the security of knowing that you’re not liable for that person, as their own company is liable for them, and you will be able to get all of your items tested and tagged properly by certified individuals who have the experience necessary to do that as their sole and only job. Not only that, but they’re on their own company’s time, so they’re not on your payroll as mentioned earlier!

The Test and Tag Process

While it’s a simple process, it is the law according to Australia’s regulations on electrical items, and it also helps to protect employers in case of an electrical accident if their items are regularly tested and tagged properly. For the sake of not only your employees, but everyone involved in the use, or even distribution of services and electronic components, you need to know the basics of the test and tag process.

As mentioned earlier, the process isn’t too complex, but requires a lot of checklists and paperwork to be done. The first part is the visual inspection, and then the second is to test it with a portable electrical tester if need be. All of this data must be recorded properly into the right forms, and then ultimately, the item is tagged accordingly. What’s more important is how often this procedure needs to be done, because in all actuality, this part actually greatly depends on the type of equipment, and the industry that the equipment is being used for.


If you’re looking for the right test and tag services, you can count on a company like ETS for all of your electrical testing and tagging needs. They’ve been in business for numerous corporations for years and offers a truly certified and dedicated team to help you improve the benefits of your company’s safety and compliance, and all of their advantages help to eliminate the need to handle all of the stress related to testing and tagging, and save you overall in the process.

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