Choosing the Smartest Deals for the Herbal Works Now

There is a lot of interest in herbal medicine: one in two French people is treated with plants. In which cases are they really effective? What are the contraindications and precautions to take? 

Herbal medicine is a branch of medicine that relies mainly on the therapeutic use of so-called “medicinal” plants. Consumed in different forms, plants treat or relieve various health disorders. They are used alone or in addition to appropriate medical care. Most plants are not used in their entirety, their active ingredients often being concentrated in one part: roots, leaves, flowers. The plants can be presented in various ways: fresh or dried to make infusions, in capsules, magistral preparation, oral ampoule, etc. It is advisable to use herbal medicine on medical advice from doctors or pharmacists trained in the discipline. With the iherbプロモコード you can have the smart deals.

Traditional practice

Traditional herbal medicine most often refers to herbal medicine. Herbal medicine based on traditional practice consisted of the use of plants whose properties and therapeutic virtues were discovered over the centuries, but which have not been the subject of clinical study to scientifically establish their effectiveness. For example, a collection dating back to 3000 BC was found, in which the benefits of thyme and sage were explained. 

  • In addition, a book dating from 1500 BC and over 100 pages, listed how to use several dozens of plants.

The World Health Organization (WHO), for its part, has listed more than 22,000 medicinal plants. It may be plants, but also fungi, trees. If the approach was first empirical research and its analytical tools were able to highlight the mode of action of plants, their own effectiveness as well as the precautions to take.

Modern phytotherapy

Modern herbal medicine is derived from traditional herbal medicine. It is based on a scientific use of plants, inspired by ancestral methods. Modern phytotherapy corresponds to a clinical and individualized form of herbal medicine. It is based on treatments that benefit from a scientific validation as well as a clinical approach proposed by health professionals trained for this purpose: doctors, dentists, midwives, pharmacists. It is constantly evolving and affects all medical specialties. The use of the iherb shipping canada code comes here now.

It is a background medicine, whose effects are revealed in the long term. The diagnosis is made according to a scientific observation of the patient as a whole, without being limited to the symptoms alone. The doctor then determines whether the treatment to be applied is rather attack, load or maintenance. Phytotherapy based on scientific evidence uses active plant extracts, which are then standardized and marketed as finished products (phytomedicines). These may be subject to a Marketing Authorization (MA) or may be distributed in the form of food supplements. Most of the time, the proposed treatments are based on standardized fresh plant extracts (EPS), used alone or in synergy.

Last Words

The process of EPS was developed by the pharmacologist Daniel Jean in the 1990s. “They have led to a small revolution in herbal medicine, says Dr. Lorrain, because they provide access to the totum of the plant and in withdraw all their resources.” They are also sugar free and alcohol free.

Used as part of a modern herbal medicine treatment, they are subject to the same regulations as drugs. In total, there are 56 EPS that can be used alone or in synergy, by combining the active ingredients of plants, according to the needs of the patient, in an individualized therapeutic approach.

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