2 Types of Successful CVs: Chronological CV and Functional CV

As a job seeker, you are certainly looking for the best methods to attract the attention of recruiters. Choosing the right type of CV will make it easier for you to reach your goal. Discover 2 essential CV types that will enhance your application: the chronological CV and the functional CV. Here are the differences between them so that you can choose the one that suits you best.

The Type of Chronological CV

This is a type of CV in which you classify your professional experiences and diplomas, starting with the most recent one and ending with the oldest one. It will therefore follow an anti-chronological order in reality. Among the different types of cv, this is the best known and the most used. Its ease of reading partly explains its good acceptance in the world of work. On the other hand, it highlights your last professional experience, which is supposed to interest recruiters in the first place. The chronological CV is made to showcase your main professional assets.

Professional experience and training must be organized sequentially. The content of the CV should include the important sections. The Professional Experience and the Training sections are particularly essential. They must be organized sequentially. As far as the professional experiences are concerned, indicate in this section your different professional experiences, respecting an anti-chronological order. For each experience, it is recommended to specify: the start and end dates, the name of the company, the missions and tasks carried out and the objectives achieved supported by figures.

The type of Functional CV

Unlike the chronological CV, the functional CV focuses on skills and aptitudes rather than on the professional trajectory. Also called thematic CV, it groups professional experiences by area of competence. It is recommended for people with little professional experience or returning to the job market after a long absence. Not to be confused with the CV for internship. The functional resume is made to highlight the skills acquired.

The creation of a functional CV remains similar to that of a chronological CV on some points such as contact information. But certain characteristics will differentiate the one from the other. The main advantage of the functional CV: the information is organized in a more flexible way. You can indeed focus on what you know, on your skills, without having to mention your experience. This type of CV is therefore particularly recommended if your experience is limited.

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